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World Premiere:
East Asia Premiere:
The Pineapple Underground Film Festival, Hong Kong, June 10-12, 2011
“One of the highlights of the festival and not to be missed”.
European Premiere:
Lago Film Fest, Revine Lago (Treviso), Italy, July 22-30, 2011
“Werther Germondari and Maria Laura Spagnoli have been sending their films to LFF for years, spurring the judges to debate on whether it was appropriate to show them to the general public. The issue kept popping up through the editions, rousing interest in their works at the same time. This year we break loose and dedicate them two retrospectives, which sum up the two main pillars of their research; we’ll also screen the Italian preview of their full-length film “Sex Equo”, a collection of visions drawn from the sexual sphere of collective imagination”.
“Da anni Werther Germondari e Maria Laura Spagnoli inviano i loro film al Lago Film Fest, stimolando in chi deve fare la selezione il dibattito sulla proiettabilità/possibilità di proporre al pubblico i loro lavori. Di anno in anno si riproponeva la questione, aumentando allo stesso tempo l'interesse nei confronti del loro lavoro. Rovesciando questa costrizione dedichiamo loro due retrospettive che raccolgono i filoni principali di ricerca all'interno dei quali si muovono e (in anteprima italiana) il lungometraggio "Sex Equo", che ci arriva dopo 12 anni di ricerca e “collezione di visioni” legate all'immaginario sessuale”.
North American Premiere:
September 1-11, 2011
Associazione Culturale La Serpara,
Civitella d’Agliano, Italy,
October 8, 2011
Full Length Film Festival - Kinoteatr Projekt
Lublin, Poland - November 16-20, 2011
16th Sexual Diversity Film/Video Festival, Mexico City - June 2012
VI Shortini - International Short Film Festival
Augusta, Italy - August 2012
BUT Film Festival
Breda, Netherlands - September 2012
Alternative Film Festival
Tirgu Mures, Romania - November 2012
Cluj Napoca, Romania - November 2012
Imola, Italy - December 2012
Omovies, Napoli, Italy - December 2012
9th International Directors Lounge
Berlin, Germany - February 2013
7th Druid Underground Film Festival,
Brooklyn, NY, USA, April 2014
Munich Underground Film Festival, Germany, August 2014
7 Pop Porn Festival, San Paolo, Brasil, June 2017
Venice Film Week, Venezia, Italy, August 2017