During a war, the battle rages. At the back, the atmosphere seems quieter, but in reality also there you can find hallucinating situations…
The video is part of the ‘Tractatus logico-phileroticus’ project.
“POW renews the imaginary of porn with an experimental and brave idea. In opposition to the violence of war, two enemy soldiers let themselves go to hallucinated and consensual experimentation in a natural setting that protects them, where human and not-human, real and unreal mix, provoking in the audience a state of curious confusion” (Best Italian Short Film, Hacker Porn IFF, Roma, Italy 2018).
“I am part of that power…” says Mephysto in Goethe’s Faust. Even the laughter of the devil echoes through the movie. With a straightforward story, the audience comes to terms here. The metaphorical nature of uniformity and the associated allegories in the common play of the actors is more likely to come with imagination and enjoyment of the diabolical. Here skillfully all the resources of the genre are endeavored, at best, everything that makes cinema so, costume, prop, etc”. (Third Prize Award, Naughty - Frivolous FF Berlin 2019)
Durante una guerra la battaglia infuria. Nelle retrovie l'atmosfera sembra più tranquilla, ma in realtà anche lì si vivono situazioni allucinanti…
"POW rinnova l’immaginario del porno con un’idea sperimentale e coraggiosa. Di fronte alla banalità del male che la violenza della guerra porta con sé, due soldati di fronti opposti si abbandonano alla sperimentazione allucinata e consensuale in una natura che li protegge, dove umano e non umano, reale e non reale si confondono, lasciando chi guarda in uno stato di curiosa confusione". (motivazioni del Premio come Miglior Cortomentraggio Italiano, Hacker Porn IFF, Roma 2018)
Articolo di Roberto Schinardi su gay.it
Production and Direction: W.GERMONDARI, M.L.SPAGNOLI
The Norwegian Seagull ISFF, Sveio, Norway, February 2018
Leeds Queer IFF, Leeds, UK, March 2018
MedFF, Siracusa, Italy, April 2018
Toronto Porn IFF, Canada, April 2018
Hacker Porn IFF, Roma, Italy, April 2018 (Best Italian Shortfilm Award)
Trofeo La Lanterna, Genova, Italy, April 2018
4e Festival De Films Anarchistes, Montreal, May 2018
Cefalù IFF, Italy, May 2018
Nachtschatten BDSM IFF, Munich, Germany, June 2018
Body&SexPositive/A queer festival, Pisa, Italy, June 2018
Umbriametraggi, Montone, Italy, July 2018
Il Sole, la Luna Festival, Giove, Italy, July 2018
The East Village Queer IFF, New York, August 2018
CIM Sueca, Valencia, Spain, September 2018 (Special Mention)
Genderotica, Roma, Italy, September 2018
TWIST Queer IFF, Seattle, USA, October 2018
Kink Film Festival, Copenaghen, Danmark, October 2018
13. Berlin Porn IFF, Germany, October 2018
Liz Taylor Party. Divorzio libero, gratuito e sicuro, Bologna, Italy, November 2018
XXV Visionaria IFF, San Gimignano, Italy, November 2018
Porny Days Art Festival, Zurich, Switzerland, November 2018
Queere Filmoche, Leipzig, Germany, January 2019
Fun Porn Shorts, Thalia, Dresden, January 2019
Corti Queer / San Valentino, British School at Rome, Italy, February 2019
The Short! Oltre il Visibile, Amelia, Italy, March 2019
Cayenne Short FF, New York, USA, April 2019
Cortisonici, Varese, Italy, April 2019
10th Naughty-Frivolous FF 2019, Berlin, Germany, May 2019
Vieni? - Catania PornFest, Italy, May 2019
Bizzarro Film Festival, Bologna, Italy, June 2019.
Kinky Bizarre Bunch, Roma, Italy, June 2019.
LGBTQ Short Film Fest, Missoula, USA, June 2019.
OMOVIES LGBT IFF, Napoli, Italy, December 2019.