RI-SCATTO IN AVANTI (Photo Session II, 2022, 4’30")

Documentation of the second performance of 'Photo Session', realized on the occasion of the Women's Day 2022 (the first has been on the occasion of the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 2021) reversing the most classic situation of a photo session, that is 'naked model - dressed photographer'.See also the performance page.

Documentazione della seconda performance di ‘Scatto in Avanti’, realizzata in occasione della Giornata Internazionale della Donna 2022, ribaltando la situazione più classica di un servizio fotografico, ovvero 'modella nuda - fotografo vestito’. Pagina della performance.

Concept /performer: WERTHER GERMONDARI


Festivals: BARCELONA PORN FF, Spain, October 2023

Ri-Scatto in Avanti playbill
        Werther Germondari © 1980 - 2025