D.n.a.rt 1991 - 2012
D.n.a.rt 1991 - 2012
D.N.A.rt: fragments by unknowns: D.N.A.rt bromographies are drawn from images representing fragments of human D.N.A.(from the Institute of Biology “C.N.R.” in Rome. The images can be seen as real portraits, each one seen by means of a fragment of the genetic code. The intention is try to realize a portrait series to recall the “unknown portraits” of the italian Renaissance. In ‘D.N.A.rt: genetic interventions’ the intention is to create arbitrary coupling of people by the overlapping of different “fragments by unknowns”, recognizable by several colours of each one. (Werther Germondari, 1991)
Fragment by unknowns III,
bromography, 24x30cm, 1991
Fragment by unknowns IV,
bromography, 24x30cm, 1991
Fragment by unknowns V,
bromography, 24x30cm, 1991
Sviluppatasi inizialmente con i “ritratti di anonimi” (citazione dei rinascimentali ritratti di ignoti) visti attraverso frammenti del loro codice genetico (tratti da lastre del CNR), la ricerca è proseguita poi anche in forme di installazione e performance durante tutti gli anni novanta, fino a toccare il tema degli alimenti transgenici con il consueto approccio ironico, nel 2002 e nel 2010. (Werther Germondari)
Genetic Intervention I,
bromography, 24x30cm, 1991
Genetic Intervention II,
bromography, 24x30cm, 1991
Genetic Intervention IX,
bromography, 24x30cm, 1991
Genetic Interventions,
bromographies in tubes, h.30cm, series, 1992-95
installation, detail, 1993
serigraphies on fifty ties, 1994
installation view, 1994
WERTHICALIZZ’AZIONI, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, installation view and performance, April 1994
oil on canvas 80x100cm, 1998
Stenodattilo da DNA di Valentina Olivetti in ambra, 1993